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Adding a new Diagram Type

To add a new diagram type to the parser you can follow the below steps 👇

All the code for the parser resides in src folder and for playground resides in playground folder.

lets run the playground server in local 👇

yarn start

This will start the playground server in port 1234 and open it in browser so you start playing with the playground.

Update Supported Diagram Types

First step is to add the new diagram type in SUPPORTED_DIAGRAM_TYPES.

Once this is done the new diagram type won't be rendered as an image but start throwing error since we don't support parsing the data yet.

Writing the Diagram Parser

Once the diagram type is added in previous step. Next step is to write the parser to parse the mermaid diagram.

For this create a file named {{diagramType}}.ts in src/parser and write a function parseMermaid{{diagramType}}Diagram similar to how we parseMermaidFlowChartDiagram for parsing flowchart diagram.

The main aim of the parser is 👇

  1. Determine how elements are connected in the diagram and thus finding arrow and text bindings.

For this you might have to dig in to the parser diagram.parser.yy and which attributes to parse for the new diagram.

  1. Determine the position and dimensions of each element, for this would be using the svg

Once the parser is ready, lets start using it.

Add the diagram type in switch case in parseMermaid and call the parser for the same.

Writing the Excalidraw Skeleton Convertor

With the completion of previous step, we have all the data, now we need to transform it so to ExcalidrawElementSkeleton format.

Similar to FlowChartToExcalidrawSkeletonConverter, you have to write the {{diagramType}}ToExcalidrawSkeletonConverter which parses the data received in previous step and returns the ExcalidrawElementSkeleton.

Thats it, you have added the new diagram type 🥳, now lets test it out!

Updating the Playground

  1. Create a file named {{diagramType}}.ts in playround/testcases/. For reference you can check flowchart.ts.

  2. Incase the new diagram type added is present in unsupported.ts then remove it from there.

  3. Verify if the test cases are running fine in playground.